English Page

Legambiente is an Italian non-profit organization founded in 1980.

It’s the most prominent and widespread environmental association in Italy with two headquarters in Rome and Milan, 20 regional coordination offices and more than 600 local groups of volunteers.

Legambiente is a pacifist and independent movement and is not related to any Italian party or institution. It’s supported by more than 115,000 members, donors and by projects and businesses that are in line with the organization’s principles.


  • Scientific environmentalism to build policies and to advocate change towards local, national and international stakeholders and institutions
  • To engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them be the leading actors of change
  • To drive the economy towards new models of green and circular economy
  • To improve the quality of life for everyone (environmentally and socially)


  • Climate change
  • Renewable energy
  • Biodiversity protection
  • Marine litter
  • Circular economy
  • Environmental and social justice
  • Volunteering
  •  Education
  • Air, water and soil pollution


  • Campaigns
  • Research and studies
  • Projects
  • Legal disputes
  • Advocacy and lobby
  • Italian, European and international networking
  • Communication

Join the Clean up the Med Campaign  

If you have any project proposals to develop together, please write to progetti@legambiente.it or fill the following form

"required" indica i campi obbligatori

Full Namerequired
Facci sapere cosa pensi. Hai una domanda da farci? Chiedi pure.
Questo campo serve per la convalida e dovrebbe essere lasciato inalterato.

If you have any project proposals to develop together, please write to progetti@legambiente.it or fill the following form

    If you want to become a volunteer you can join a lot of international work camps, contacting your country’s organization member of the
    Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations

    Together with!

    Legambiente is member of several international networks focussing on climate change, environmental justice, sustainable development, biodiversity protection and volunteering.

    These memberships enable us to promote environmental issues, as well as to strengthen transnational alliances to pursue topical issues and support lobbying at a European and global level.

    Here below the most important networks we are part of:

    Environmental Alliance for the Mediterranean

    FSC – Forest Stewardship Council


    Living Lakes

    MIO – Mediterranean Environmental Office

    PAN – Pesticide Action Network – Europe

    RAC – MED – The Regional Advisory Council for the Mediterranean

    Some campaigns and reports

    Goletta Verde (Green Schooner)

    A schooner touring Italian coasts during the whole summer, monitoring water ad marine litter  and revealing environmental crimes along the coast. It also reports best practices and engages local communities and stakeholders in environmental projects.

    Spiagge e Fondali puliti – Clean up the Med

    Legambiente organizes an annual campaign in May to collect waste from beaches, to study marine litter and advocate for common policies to reduce the impact of plastic waste. Help us to organize events in your country!

    Comuni Rinnovabili – Renewable Report

    Italian ranking of the best performing municipalities in the field of energy saving and renewable energy production.

    Puliamo il Mondo (Clean up the World)

    The biggest volunteering campaign in Italy, the italian edition of the international campaign Clean up the World. Hundreds of thousands get going to clean green areas around their neighbourhood.

    Ecoforum Rifiuti

    Circular economy represents an excellent chance to accomplish the revolution in the maximization of natural resources use and of waste management and separate collection, dismantling dumps and waste combustion for energy purpose. For this reason, Legambiente is involved in a permanent campaign to achieve these goals, at a italian and european level.

    Puliamo il Mondo (Clean up the World)

    The biggest volunteering campaign in Italy, the italian edition of the international campaign Clean up the World. Hundreds of thousands get going to clean green areas around their neighbourhood.

    Ecoforum Rifiuti

    Circular economy represents an excellent chance to accomplish the revolution in the maximization of natural resources use and of waste management and separate collection, dismantling dumps and waste combustion for energy purpose. For this reason, Legambiente is involved in a permanent campaign to achieve these goals, at a italian and european level.